Grade level: K-4 Equipment: None Game Description: ‘Busy Bees’ is a game that helps work on understanding personal space, following directions, and simple action movements. Read More →
Grade level: K-4 Equipment: None Game Description: This Animal Farm has nothing to do with the book and everything to do monkeying around….blindfolded! Players become different animals and try to find eachother in the gym by calling out the animal sounds and going by sense of sound instead of sight. Encourage students to also move around as the animal would. Read More →
Grade level: K-4 Equipment: None Game Description: Heart Smart ties together health smarts with physical activity (both are obviously important for everyone so why not give it a try!) It’s a quick game that can be used as a warm-up or movement break. Read More →
Grade level: K-4 Equipment: Whiffle balls, bucket Game Description: Some players roll, some players bounce – hence the name of this game. Use whiffle balls or soft bouncy balls and have players round up the popcorn into the target bucket. Read More →
Grade level: K-5 Equipment: Beachballs Game Description: Crab soccer is basically a game of soccer. But using beach balls. And doing the crabwalk to move around! Read More →
Grade level: 2-8 Equipment: None Game Description: Crows & Cranes is some plain old fashioned fun. Half of the players are Crows and the other half are Cranes. Each group will have their turns chasing each other trying to tag the opposing players to get them to join their team. Read More →
Grade level: K-6 Equipment: None Game Description: Ants on a Log is a teamwork or team-building strategy game. The Ants (students) stand in an initial order on the log (a line or a bench). The goal is that the players attempt to reverse their position or order without falling off the log Read More →
Grade level: 2-6 Equipment: None Game Description: Back-to-Back is a relationship building trust game. Partners stand back-to-back and work together to try to get into a seated position without using their hands. Once seated, they try to get back up. Then move onto bigger groups and really watch the fun begin! Groups of 4, 6, or even more! Read More →