Category: Warm-up

Hulahoop Madness

Grade level: K-5
Equipment: Hula hoops, music
Game Description: Another movement game to help enhance discussions and awareness of personal space. Hula hoop madness starts with lots of hula hoops on the floor for students to jump into when the music stops. But eventually as you take more and more away after every round, there won’t be many left, and things start to get squishy. Read More →

The Question Game

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: Do you have brown hair? Do you have an older brother? Do you have a birthday in January? These types of questions can be asked in ‘The Question Game’, where students attempt to make it across to the other side without getting tagged. Players can only run if the question pertains to them. As more and more players get tagged, more and more become the tagger in the middle and it gets more difficult for the runners. Try it out and come up with your own questions. Read More →

Hourglass Relay

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: Hourglass Relay is a continuous running and cardio-building activity that gets students moving in the shape of an hourglass. Depending on the group, you can adjust speed of the activity – slow, medium, fast. With a sports team, it might be a great sprinting activity. With a physical education class, it might be a great jogging activity or student choice for speed. Simple yet effective. Read More →


Grade level: 1-8
Equipment: 6 cones/pylons
Game Description: A fantastic running or dribbling game with lots of positive review. Teams will run or race on the Speedway, with players on each team taking turns cruising laps. A unique relay-style idea to get imaginations flowing and bodies moving. This is a continuous motion game with lots of room for variations. It can be played competitively or non-competitively. Read More →

Treasure Hunters

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Bean-bags, hula-hoops
Game Description: Treasure Hunters will seek out treasure and plunder it from the other teams treasure boxes! Non-stop action and fun, players must think strategy and timing in this game. There are 4 teams going at it for a set amount of time…who can plunder the most! Read More →

Man From Mars

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: ‘Man from Mars can you take us to the stars?’ – Only if you’re wearing the color green!  The Man from Mars tries to tag the runners who are wearing the colors he calls out. Each round he calls out a new color. Anyone tagged joins him in the middle to help. Another imaginative type of physical education game, tag-style. Read More →