Hulahoop Madness

Grade level: K-5
Equipment: Hula hoops, music
Game Description: Another movement game to help enhance discussions and awareness of personal space. Hula hoop madness starts with lots of hula hoops on the floor for students to jump into when the music stops. But eventually as you take more and more away after every round, there won’t be many left, and things start to get squishy.

  1. Place hulas all along the floor.
  2. Students spread out in the area.
  3. When the music starts, students move and run around all over the gym, except not in the hula hoops.
  4. When the music stops, they quickly jump into the closest hula hoop.
  5. Take a hoop away and start the music up again.
  6. Students continue moving around, until the music stops.
  7. Etc, etc, keep taking hoops away and eventually students start crowding eachothers personal space.
  8. Great for laughs and getting sweaty!

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