Category: Gr 5

4-Square Volleyball

Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Volleyball
Game Description: 4-square volleyball merges the classic game of 4-square with volleyball skills like bumping and setting. Squares can be created in the sand, or using cones, or painted lines, skipping ropes, etc.  All you need is at least 4 players ready to have some fun practicing their volleyball skills. Read More →


Grade level: 2-6
Equipment: None
Game Description: Back-to-Back is a relationship building trust game. Partners stand back-to-back and work together to try to get into a seated position without using their hands. Once seated, they try to get back up. Then move onto bigger groups and really watch the fun begin! Groups of 4, 6, or even more! Read More →


Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Tennis balls, volleyballs, pylons
Game Description: Bullseye is a hugely simple and hugely awesome throwing or target game. Two teams compete to be the first to knock the volleyballs off their cones by chucking tennis balls at them. Heads up! Read More →

Frisbee Tippers

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Frisbees
Game Description: Groups work both together and against each other in this frisbee-based game.  Throwing, catching, running, tipping, and tricks are all part of the package. This is a great game to practice different types of throwing when it comes to Ultimate Frisbee or disc throwing. Read More →

Crazy Ball Soccer

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Various soft or foam balls
Game Description: Great for any grade or age level, Crazy Ball Soccer is basically a soccer game with a little bit of attitude. Set-up a soccer game as normal, except that instead of just using a soccer ball, add in whatever crazy equipment you might have to kick around! Some tested equipment that works well in this game are foam footballs, large foam dice, or beach balls – use all of them at the same time and watch them bounce all crazy-like around the field or gym as the players try to kick them. Add in whatever rules desired when it comes to goalies, points, etc. Read More →


Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Dodgeball
Game Description: In SPUD, there’s a little bit of anticipation, a little bit of excitement, and a lot of fun. Players get the chance to move, dodge, throw, as the game goes on. There’s only 1 dodgeball, but you’ve still gotta keep your head up. Read More →

Corner Ball

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Soccer ball, benches
Game Description: Corner ball is a gym game that has 4 teams competing on one-on-one-on-one-on-one situations. This soccer-based game is a student favorite, and it gives players a chance to hone their soccer skills – dribbling, control, shooting, agility. Try it out as part of your soccer unit or as a stand-alone game. Read More →