Category: Gr 1


Grade level: K-5
Equipment: Beanbags
Game Description: The Robots move around in their best robotic form trying to keep their battery power pack – that is, their bean bag – balanced on their head. Robot mechanics will go around and find any broken robots, making any necessary repairs so the players can get right back in the game. Lots of room for variations or modifications, including the adding of a villain who chases the robots. Read More →


Grade level: K-5
Equipment: None
Game Description: A super easy, super fun game for the earlier-aged students. In mousetrap, the mice try to steal the cheese from the middle of the circle, and return it to their home outside of the circle. But they must be careful to time it just right, or else the mousetrap will close in and trap them! Good for laughs and good for exercise. Read More →

CandyCane tag

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: In Candy cane tag, players who are tagged must turn their body into a candy cane shape. To get back in the game, a player who isn’t tagged must run under the loop of the candy cane, or peel the wrapper off of it – your choice. Just a simple Christmas tag game idea to get students moving while at the same time promoting some Christmas cheer.


Grade level: K-5
Equipment: Hula hoops
Game Description: Round up the Stampede! Cowboys and cowgirls must go around and lasso those horses to bring them back to the stables. Using hula hoops to capture the galloping horses, this game is sure to be a hoot. As usual with these games, there’s lots of room to add in your own rules or variations as you see fit. Read More →

Triangle Tag

Grade level: 1-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: A unique type of tag game in which 3 players form a triangle facing inwards to eachother, joining hands or locking arms or shoulders. A fourth player will start outside of the triangle and attempt to tag the player on the opposite side of the triangle from him. Great game for shuffle stepping, changing of direction, teamwork, and that kind of thing. This game will work with pretty much any age level.

Pokemon Tag

Grade level: 1-8
Equipment: Colored pinnies, pylons/cones
Game Description: 4 teams, 4 colors, and lots of Pokemon! The action and movement in this tag game never stops as teams take turns being the taggers and try to tag the players on the opposing teams. Not just your regular type of tag game, this game adds a few more dynamics to it, as well as the opportunity to bring in other basic movement skills. Great game for larger groups too!

Backwards Soccer

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Soccerball, nets
Game Description: This is soccer, but with everything backwards. The nets are backwards, the rules are backwards, and whatever else you’d like to turn backwards. No using feet to advance the ball, players must use their hands to shoot, pass, or dribble! But goalies? No using hands for them. Quite a mix-up from the regular game of soccer, but worth trying out to add something new and exciting. Read More →