
Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Pylons, beanbags
Game Description: Teams must communicate and work together to collect as many treasures as possible before time runs out. Or until all the treasures have been discovered. The treasures are ‘buried’ under cones, and one player at a time from each team can run out and try to find a piece of loot. A kind of relay-style game where communication is key. Try it out!

  1. Place pylons (cones) all along the floor – upwards of 30 or so of them spread out.
  2. Place beanbags under half of the cones so that they are hidden from sight.
  3. Create some teams along the side, lined up in relay-style.
  4. On the signal, the first player in each line will run out, look under a cone. If a beanbag is found, he brings it back. If not, he heads back empty-handed.
  5. Next person goes, etc, etc.
  6. Play until all of the beanbags have been found, or until time runs out.


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  1. This is a great activity. I added a basketball for each group. They had to dibble the ball.

  2. I played this game with Grades 1-4 and added an element of fitness by giving each colour of the beanbag a corresponding exercise – ie. yellow beanbags meant 5 jumping jacks, blue mean 5 squats, etc… I had each student stand on a poly spot spread out with enough room to do the exercise and then the quietest student patiently waiting could come choose a pylon to reveal and then lead the exercise for the colour that they revealed. If the pylon was empty everyone would run a lap around the gym and return to their poly spot. It worked out super well!

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