
Grade level: K-3
Equipment: Mats
Game Description: As the zookeepers were finished a long day of work, and ready to pack it in for the day, all-of-a-sudden all of the monkeys escaped! Gotta round those monkeys back up and into their cages before things get too crazy! This game gets players monkeying around, or horsing around if you prefer….choose some zookeepers, choose the animals, have some fun, and get moving.

  1. Start with exercise mats on the floor (those are the cages).
  2. Have students start on those mats. Give them an animal to pretend to be and move like – a horse for example.
  3. Choose zookeepers to start in the middle circle.
  4. All-of-a-sudden all of the animals escape! The horses start galloping around.
  5. The zookeepers try to round up the animals back to their cages by tagging them.
  6. When tagged, the animals go back to their cage.
  7. After the round is over, choose new zookeepers and new types of animals. Play again.

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