Category: Dodgeball


Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: 4 mats, foam balls, cones
Game Description: Start by creating a “throwing pit” using the middle circle of the gym. Also place down 4 mats, 1 along each side of the gym (like where bases would be placed in baseball except that the mats should be standing upright on their ends). Choose 1 player to be the thrower who must throw from inside the circle/throwing pit – that player starts with all the foam balls. The remaining players will run in the same direction around the mats, trying not to get hit by a ball thrown by the thrower. Whenever a runner is hit, she becomes a thrower in the circle as well. Players must be hit below the waist to count. Players can stop and hide behind a mat for up to 10 seconds, but then must exit and continue running. Play for a certain time limit or until all players have been hit!
(Thanks to Justin Mull)

Mushroom Ball

Grade Level: 4-8
Equipment: 1 Foam Ball
Game Description: The game of Mushroom Ball starts with students scattered in the gym (or field) and a toss-in where any student is free to go after the ball. The player who gets the ball becomes the thrower and will try to throw at any player (discuss safe areas to throw at – maybe from the knee down). The thrower may not take more than three steps before throwing the ball. If a player gets hit he must sit down as a mushroom. Watch out for the mushrooms because they are allowed to tag while sitting! If a sitting player (mushroom) happens to get a hold of a loose ball, they must attempt to pass the ball to another mushroom until all of the mushrooms have touched the ball. If all the mushrooms have touched the ball without an interception by the standing players, the mushrooms get to stand up. A winner is declared if one player is left standing. Try it out for something new in your P.E. class. (Thanks to Eric Grohs for this game idea)

Hit & Run

Grade Level: 1-8
Equipment: Foam Balls
Game Description: Hit & Run is a physical education warm-up or dodgeball lead-up game. The idea is very easy, and it really gets the heart rate up: First thing, students partner up. One person starts with the ball. The other person has no ball, and gets a 5 second head start, then runs away. After the 5 second head start the thrower can go chase. They throw as many times as needed until they make a hit. When a hit is made they switch roles. Important to emphasize safety and where on the body it is okay to throw and not to throw the ball. Other than that have fun with another awesome PE game idea! (Thanks to Tate Braeckel for this game idea)

Prison Ball

Grade Level: 4-8
Equipment: Foam Balls
Game Description: Prison ball is a dodgeball-type game where 2 teams face-off against each other. Along the ends of the gym, behind each team is a prison area. Whenever a player gets hit, he or she must head to prison behind the opposite team on that end. They are stuck there until they can throw a ball and successfully hit someone while they’re in prison — and then they can return home to their team, while the player they hit must then go to prison! Very interesting type of dodgeball game where players must be aware of their complete surroundings, front, back, sides. Balls flying from all over the place makes it challenging and lots of fun!

Shooting Gallery

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Cones, foam balls
Game Description: This target practice game works on either the rolling, underhand, or overhand throwing skills. Half of the players become part of the shooting gallery, moving back and forth in the shooting gallery area. The other half are given foam balls and directions on how to successfully hit their target and then switch roles! Give it a go and see how it goes!


Grade Level: K-8
Equipment: 4 foam balls
Game Description: This is a special type of dodgeball game with official rules, refs, and the whole show! With sportsmanship being the number 1 rule, teams will compete in an epic battle to be the last ones standing. Great game incorporating lots of skills. Popular in Australia, kids love this one and get nice and sweaty. There’s talk of some major tournament play and school-wide fun. Try it out!

Also see the official rules manual (WORD DOCUMENT DOWNLOAD) posted below:



Grade Level: 4-8
Equipment: Mats, nets, foam balls (2 colors)
Game Description: This is a handball and target type game with a little bit of dodgeball (the dodgeball part is optional if you don’t wish to include it). The main goal of the game is for players to score as many points as they can on the opposing team before the round is over – either 3 minutes per round or first to 5 points! There are goalies on each side who do their best to save the shots taken. Goalies can’t get ‘out’ if hit, unless they leave their crease area.


Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs
Game Description: See how long you can survive in the middle! This every-man-for-himself dodgeball game uses the basketball court lines as the playing area. Great for spatial awareness, dodging, throwing, and of course lots of running. Read More →