Category: Dodgeball

Kings Kone

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Cones, foam balls
Game Description: King’s Kone is an awesome dodgeball variant game. Teams face-off to try to win rounds of a dodgeball game with a twist… (using whatever dodgeball rules you’d like) put down the Kings Kones as well as extra targets. There are a few ways to win: knock down the other teams cones, knock out all of the players, or shoot the special ball into the basketball hoop. Using different coloured dodgeballs will allow for some special rules such as jailbreak. This game is sure to get the players asking for more – LOTS of throwing, catching, ducking, running, dodging, sweating, and fun to be had by all! (Thanks to Don Smith)

Ultimate Warriors

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Foam balls, cones
Game Description: Ultimate Warriors is another awesome game that gets students moving, having fun, and working on a variety of skills! Split the gym into 3 sections with cones and lines. Tell the players that there will be 3 games of dodgeball going on at the same time (each 3rd correlates with a group: farmers -> knights -> warriors). If a player is hit with a ball, the player moves down and the thrower moves up. The goal is to get to the top league (the warriors). If you’re in the top league (the warriors) and you hit someone you don’t move up and if you’re in the bottom league (the farmers) you don’t move down. Set a time limit to the game. The winners are the players who finish in the top league at the end of the round. Use your own dodgeball rules and as always HAVE FUN!!! (Thanks to Joe Defreitas)

Submarines & Mines

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: 3 hula hoops, 6 foam balls
Game Description: This game is similar to the British-bulldog type of game, except the tagger(s) in the middle area get foam balls. The main object of the game is that the runners will try to go from one end of the gym to the other end without being touched by the submarines’ torpedoes (soft balls) or the mines (participants who got tagged laying on the floor on their stomach).
– 3 hula hoops are placed in center of play area – middle of gym.
– 1 captain in each submarine (hula hoop) each with 2 balls.
– at the signal, runners must try to go across gym without being touched by ball (even if it touched the ground first); if they get touched, they become mines and lay on the floor on their stomach. The only way they can move is by pivoting on their stomach. They try to assist the submarines by touching the passing participants either with their feet or hands.
– the last 3 to survive become the submarines.
– the submarines’ captains must be in their submarine while throwing and can run to fetch their balls but must come back in subs to throw again.
– remember that with the ‘go’ signal, everyone is in play until they reach a safe zone at the other end of gym.
(Thanks to Bernard Boulerice)

Castle Pool

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Foam balls, hula hoops, bowling pins
Game Description: CASTLE POOL (The teams castle is like the 8 ball in pool)…

– Class divided in two teams by the center line, just like a typical dodgeball game for example.
– Each team sets up a castle in the corner of the basketball court (down by the baseline).
– Each team will also set up 7 bowling pins on their side in the volleyball court.
– Each pin can have one guard only.
– The object of the game is for one team to knock down the other teams pins before they can attack their castle. If they knock their castle down before all there pins have been knocked down then they automatically lose the game. This being just like the game of pool where the 8 ball can’t be sunk until the end.

Great Game and Kids left begging to play again!
(Thanks to Erin Parsons)

Walk The Plank

Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: 2 mats, 2 benches, 2 hula hoops, dodgeballs
Game Description: Walk The Plank is best played as a dodgeball game, but it could be a tag game with the right modifications (for those of you who don’t play dodgeball games). This game is a HUGE HIT with students, so have fun! Set-up a dodgeball game with 2 teams, each on their own half of the gym. Except that in the endzones of each team area you will need to set-up a “walk-the-plank” apparatus (use a bench as the plank, and an exercise mat on the floor in front of it as the “water” that the players will jump into off of the bench). You’ll also need to place down a hula hoop at an appropriate distance from the plank/mat apparatus – the hula hoop will be used as the spot for a specific thrower. So set-up all of this stuff the same on both sides/endzones. Use whatever dodgeball rules you normally use (hits below the waist, deadballs on bounce, etc). The difference with this game is that when a player gets hit, he must go to the opposite endzone where the plank apparatus is set-up. The first player will actually go into the hula-hoop and be a thrower. Subsequent players who are hit will go and walk the plank. At the end of the plank walk, they will jump onto the mat (water) but at the same time trying to catch a ball thrown by the player in the hoop. If a successful catch, the THROWER gets to go back to his side and continue playing dodgeball, and the player who caught it is the new thrower. This sequence continues throughout the round as players get hit and go back and forth… OK so this written description doesn’t sound very clear – in fact, it sounds downright confusing, so you really need to watch the video. Enjoy!


Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: 4 mats, foam balls, cones
Game Description: Start by creating a “throwing pit” using the middle circle of the gym. Also place down 4 mats, 1 along each side of the gym (like where bases would be placed in baseball except that the mats should be standing upright on their ends). Choose 1 player to be the thrower who must throw from inside the circle/throwing pit – that player starts with all the foam balls. The remaining players will run in the same direction around the mats, trying not to get hit by a ball thrown by the thrower. Whenever a runner is hit, she becomes a thrower in the circle as well. Players must be hit below the waist to count. Players can stop and hide behind a mat for up to 10 seconds, but then must exit and continue running. Play for a certain time limit or until all players have been hit!
(Thanks to Justin Mull)

Mushroom Ball

Grade Level: 4-8
Equipment: 1 Foam Ball
Game Description: The game of Mushroom Ball starts with students scattered in the gym (or field) and a toss-in where any student is free to go after the ball. The player who gets the ball becomes the thrower and will try to throw at any player (discuss safe areas to throw at – maybe from the knee down). The thrower may not take more than three steps before throwing the ball. If a player gets hit he must sit down as a mushroom. Watch out for the mushrooms because they are allowed to tag while sitting! If a sitting player (mushroom) happens to get a hold of a loose ball, they must attempt to pass the ball to another mushroom until all of the mushrooms have touched the ball. If all the mushrooms have touched the ball without an interception by the standing players, the mushrooms get to stand up. A winner is declared if one player is left standing. Try it out for something new in your P.E. class. (Thanks to Eric Grohs for this game idea)

Hit & Run

Grade Level: 1-8
Equipment: Foam Balls
Game Description: Hit & Run is a physical education warm-up or dodgeball lead-up game. The idea is very easy, and it really gets the heart rate up: First thing, students partner up. One person starts with the ball. The other person has no ball, and gets a 5 second head start, then runs away. After the 5 second head start the thrower can go chase. They throw as many times as needed until they make a hit. When a hit is made they switch roles. Important to emphasize safety and where on the body it is okay to throw and not to throw the ball. Other than that have fun with another awesome PE game idea! (Thanks to Tate Braeckel for this game idea)