Category: Warm-up

Army & Navy

Grade Level: 2-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: This fitness or warm-up/running game is a calling game. The caller (usually the teacher) calls out these commands:

Army: Run to one side of the gym
Navy: Run to the other side of the gym
Hit the deck: Lie face down
At ease: Stand up

Try adding some rules such as “first one to Army gets a point” or “last one to Navy is out”. Players must be careful to wait for the “At Ease” command before getting up to run somewhere. Or add your own ideas to modify this quick physical education game to suit your needs. (Thanks to Justin for this game idea)

Hit & Run

Grade Level: 1-8
Equipment: Foam Balls
Game Description: Hit & Run is a physical education warm-up or dodgeball lead-up game. The idea is very easy, and it really gets the heart rate up: First thing, students partner up. One person starts with the ball. The other person has no ball, and gets a 5 second head start, then runs away. After the 5 second head start the thrower can go chase. They throw as many times as needed until they make a hit. When a hit is made they switch roles. Important to emphasize safety and where on the body it is okay to throw and not to throw the ball. Other than that have fun with another awesome PE game idea! (Thanks to Tate Braeckel for this game idea)

Pass & Score Tag

Grade Level: 2-6
Equipment: 2 Pool Noodles, 2 Foam balls
Game Description: Play tag, while throwing and catching, and scoring points, and switching roles – great mixture of ideas into a single game! The taggers tag with the pool noodles. The freers (who hold the foam balls) aren’t allowed to move with the ball, but aim to throw the ball to those who have been tagged. If caught, a point is earned for both players. The one who caught the ball is now a freer. Sound like a fun idea? Give it a go and see how it goes! Thanks John Pass for this game idea.

Freeze & Melt

Grade Level: K-3
Equipment: Pool noodles or dodgeballs (red & blue)
Game Description: This is a simple tag game idea: The tagger (carrying the blue noodle) goes around freezing the players into ice statues. The freer (carrying the red noodle) goes around melting the ice statues back into the game. Try it out as a quick warmup game! Thanks to @commandokiddz on Twitter.

Field Hunters

Grade Level: K-6
Equipment: Pennies, Bingo Chips, Other..
Game Description: Once upon a time in a large grassy field, the teacher threw 100’s of pennies in all directions in the grass. The students were then given 5 minutes to hunt out and find as many of those pennies. See which team or individual collects the most pennies before the time runs out! Simple warm-up. Simple way to get everyone active.

Classy Moves

Grade Level: 2-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: This is a great warm-up game; it can be used in fitness, dance, stretching, or even just making goofy moves. Students form a circle around a leader who has 20 seconds to perform an action. The students must mimic the action, and then it’s someone else’s turn to be the leader. That’s it, that’s all. Simple and effective.