Category: Large Group


Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs, hula-hoops
Game Description: Castle Ball might be one of physedgames’ favourites! A must play! This target game adds a huge teamwork component as well as team strategy. It also ties in throwing, catching, blocking, building, and awareness. Defend your castles, and topple over the opponent castles before they get yours. WARNING: LOTS OF FUN. Read More →

Crazy Ball Soccer

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Various soft or foam balls
Game Description: Great for any grade or age level, Crazy Ball Soccer is basically a soccer game with a little bit of attitude. Set-up a soccer game as normal, except that instead of just using a soccer ball, add in whatever crazy equipment you might have to kick around! Some tested equipment that works well in this game are foam footballs, large foam dice, or beach balls – use all of them at the same time and watch them bounce all crazy-like around the field or gym as the players try to kick them. Add in whatever rules desired when it comes to goalies, points, etc. Read More →

Pass It On

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Hula hoops, various items
Game Description: This team-building game is great for any physical education class. Players will work together to pass objects to each other to be the first team to successfully move all objects from one end to the other. There’s a catch though…players are must all lay down on their backs and pass only with their feet. Read More →

Dead Ant Tag

Grade level: K-5
Equipment: None
Game Description: Hilarious idea for a simple tag game: if a player gets tagged, he must turn over on his back and put arms and legs up in the air like a dead ant on its back. To get back up? 4 players who aren’t tagged must attach themselves to an arm or leg and then that player is free. Read More →

The Video Camera Game

Grade level: K-5
Equipment: None
Game Description: Very simple warm-up game with a simple idea: the teacher calls out familiar actions that you would find on a video camera – play, stop, rewind, fast forward, etc. For each word that’s called out, the students will have to perform the related action within the playing area. Call random orders and mix it up! Switch leaders after awhile too to create their own patterns or sequences. Here’s what we have to get you started: Read More →

Wolf’s Den

Grade level: K-6
Equipment: None
Game Description: Watch out for the wolves! In this game, the wolf roams around his den trying to catch the rabbits as they run back-and-forth through the wolf’s territory. Action-packed and always great for a laugh in PE class, outside, or at camp. Read More →

Hulahoop Madness

Grade level: K-5
Equipment: Hula hoops, music
Game Description: Another movement game to help enhance discussions and awareness of personal space. Hula hoop madness starts with lots of hula hoops on the floor for students to jump into when the music stops. But eventually as you take more and more away after every round, there won’t be many left, and things start to get squishy. Read More →