Category: K

Field Hunters

Grade Level: K-6
Equipment: Pennies, Bingo Chips, Other..
Game Description: Once upon a time in a large grassy field, the teacher threw 100’s of pennies in all directions in the grass. The students were then given 5 minutes to hunt out and find as many of those pennies. See which team or individual collects the most pennies before the time runs out! Simple warm-up. Simple way to get everyone active.

Rainbow Road

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Colored spots (lilly pads), or hula hoops
Game Description: In ‘Rainbow Road’ teams of players will move in different patterns along spots on the floor depending on which color sequence is called out. A variety of movement skills can be used to spice things up. Read More →

Hungry Hungry Hippos

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Cones, tennis balls, buckets
Game Description: Many ways to play Hungry Hippos but the basic idea is simple: teams will race to collect as many tennis balls as possible. Race on foot, on scooters, with hockey sticks, or however you see fit! Lots of exercise and lots of fun. Read More →

Animal Farm

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: This Animal Farm has nothing to do with the book and everything to do monkeying around….blindfolded! Players become different animals and try to find eachother in the gym by calling out the animal sounds and going by sense of sound instead of sight. Encourage students to also move around as the animal would. Read More →

Popcorn Roll & Bounce

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Whiffle balls, bucket
Game Description: Some players roll, some players bounce – hence the name of this game. Use whiffle balls or soft bouncy balls and have players round up the popcorn into the target bucket. Read More →