Popcorn Roll & Bounce

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Whiffle balls, bucket
Game Description: Some players roll, some players bounce – hence the name of this game. Use whiffle balls or soft bouncy balls and have players round up the popcorn into the target bucket.

How To Play:

  1. A group of players (the bouncers) form a circle around a bucket and sit down.
  2. Another group (the rollers) spread out around the gym.
  3. The teacher starts the game by tossing a bunch of whiffle balls randomly throughout the gym.
  4. The rollers run around to get the balls, and every time they get one, they roll it to the bouncers.
  5. When a bouncer gets a ball, she attempts to bounce it into the bucket.
  6. The round continues until all balls have been bounced into the bucket.
  7. Players switch roles. Repeat as desired.

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  1. Sounds fun!

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