Category: Gr 7

Pokemon Tag

Grade level: 1-8
Equipment: Colored pinnies, pylons/cones
Game Description: 4 teams, 4 colors, and lots of Pokemon! The action and movement in this tag game never stops as teams take turns being the taggers and try to tag the players on the opposing teams. Not just your regular type of tag game, this game adds a few more dynamics to it, as well as the opportunity to bring in other basic movement skills. Great game for larger groups too!

Backwards Soccer

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Soccerball, nets
Game Description: This is soccer, but with everything backwards. The nets are backwards, the rules are backwards, and whatever else you’d like to turn backwards. No using feet to advance the ball, players must use their hands to shoot, pass, or dribble! But goalies? No using hands for them. Quite a mix-up from the regular game of soccer, but worth trying out to add something new and exciting. Read More →

Bag The Beanbag

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Beanbags
Game Description: Teams try to bring beanbags back to their own side by balancing them on their head and returning safely from the opposite side. But timing is everything, since once on the opposing team side, players can get tagged. There’s a good variety of skill and strategy to be accomplished in this game, including balance, communication, teamwork, chasing, fleeing, and rescue. Read More →


Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: 8 mats, dodgeballs, cones
Game Description: Topple over the skyscrapers with dodgeballs – what a blast! 4 teams, each in a corner, start by building their skyscraper using exercise mats standing on their ends. On the signal, players then start chucking the dodgeballs at the opposing teams skyscraper. This game can get fairly intense – lots of sweating and laughter. Read More →

Team Memory

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Beanbags, frisbees or bowls
Game Description: This game is a must play! Players work together both physically and mentally to collect their teams beanbags that are hidden beneath cover. It’s a memory game, so some sharp thinking is needed to be successful. It’s also a movement game, where speed can be advantageous. Read More →

The Serving Game (Volleyball)

Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Volleyballs, net
Game Description: Great game to practice serving, after learning the proper technique. Lots of reps and serving accuracy is accomplished in this mini-game that groups one team up against another to be the team with the best serving accuracy. A must-try as part of a volleyball unit. Read More →

The Question Game

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: Do you have brown hair? Do you have an older brother? Do you have a birthday in January? These types of questions can be asked in ‘The Question Game’, where students attempt to make it across to the other side without getting tagged. Players can only run if the question pertains to them. As more and more players get tagged, more and more become the tagger in the middle and it gets more difficult for the runners. Try it out and come up with your own questions. Read More →

Hourglass Relay

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: Hourglass Relay is a continuous running and cardio-building activity that gets students moving in the shape of an hourglass. Depending on the group, you can adjust speed of the activity – slow, medium, fast. With a sports team, it might be a great sprinting activity. With a physical education class, it might be a great jogging activity or student choice for speed. Simple yet effective. Read More →