Category: Gr 5

Dead Ant Tag

Grade level: K-5
Equipment: None
Game Description: Hilarious idea for a simple tag game: if a player gets tagged, he must turn over on his back and put arms and legs up in the air like a dead ant on its back. To get back up? 4 players who aren’t tagged must attach themselves to an arm or leg and then that player is free. Read More →


Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Variety
Game Description: Dump a bunch of random equipment along the playing area, just a whole lotta stuff – anything you have, really. Each piece of equipment represents a mine in the minefield. Then watch the fun begin as partners lead one another blindfolded through the minefield, trying not to step on a mine. If a mine is stepped on, it’s either back to the beginning, or do some jumping jacks, or create your own rule! Pairs can race against each other, or time trials, or however you see this working best for your PE class. Communication and team-building at its best. Read More →

The Video Camera Game

Grade level: K-5
Equipment: None
Game Description: Very simple warm-up game with a simple idea: the teacher calls out familiar actions that you would find on a video camera – play, stop, rewind, fast forward, etc. For each word that’s called out, the students will have to perform the related action within the playing area. Call random orders and mix it up! Switch leaders after awhile too to create their own patterns or sequences. Here’s what we have to get you started: Read More →

Shark Attack

Grade level: 1-6
Equipment: None
Game Description: This game is a huge hit. It is very similar to a British Bulldog-type game, however, Shark Attack brings players to the beach for change of scenery. The idea is for the swimmers to not get bit (tagged) by the sharks in the middle. Read More →

Food Group Blitz

Grade level: 3-6
Equipment: pinnies (red, blue, green, yellow)
Game Description: Food Group Blitz is a tag game to reinforce knowledge of the food groups. Chefs work together to round up different food items to add to their meal. Players are the different food groups or items that try to evade the chefs. A fun game to use as part of your physical education or health program.

Parachute Game – Rocket Launch

Grade level: 3-6
Equipment: Parachute, playground ball
Game Description: Rocket Launch is a parachute activity with a simple idea. Players on the parachute work together to launch the rocket (ball) up in the air. As the ball lands, some catchers try to save it from a crash landing. Just another parachute game for your PE class to try out!

Valentine Tag

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Valentine cards
Game Description: Broken arrows, healing hearts, cupids, and valentines cards are all a part of this chasing and fleeing game for Valentine’s Day. Try it out to add some care, friendship, and exercise to your P.E. class during this special time of the year!