
Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Balloons, string
Game Description: Martians will roam around and try to pop the Astronauts balloons – and destroy their oxygen tank air supply! This exciting game really gets players moving and laughing. It does take a little bit of preparation time beforehand to fill up lots of balloons, but it’s worth it in the end! Just remind students to play with care.

How To Play:

  1. Choose 4 or 5 players who are astronauts. They must tie a balloon around their ankle with a piece of string.
  2. The rest of the players are martians.
  3. On the signal, the martians will go around and try to pop the astronauts balloons.
  4. If an astronauts balloon pops, he automatically turns into a martian.
  5. The round continues until all astronauts balloons are popped.
  6. Choose new astronauts and play again.

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