Old Grey Cat

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: Old Grey Cat is a great game for younger students. It’s a fleeing and chasing game with a chant that will get stuck in your head and annoy you for the rest of the day: ‘We are weak little birds way up in a tree, you’re an old grey cat and you can’t catch me’.

  1. Players form a circle holding hands. Those are the ‘birds’.
  2. One player is chosen to stand in the middle. That player is the ‘old grey cat’.
  3. The birds start rotating in a direction around the old grey cat. As they rotate, they say this chant: ‘We are weak little birds way up in a tree, you’re an old grey cat and you can’t catch me’.
  4. Once the chant is finished, the birds let go of eachothers hands and RUN because the cat will now chase them.
  5. If the cat chases and tags someone, that person is the new cat.
  6. If no one is tagged, the teacher chooses a new cat.
  7. Play a new round. And again, and again.


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  1. You can translate the song in french to/traduction de la comptine en français:

    ”Nous sommes des petits oiseaux tellements beaux, tu es un vieux chat et tu ne nous attraperas pas!”

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