Category: Gr 3

Jet Ball

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: 2 dodgeballs
Game Description: Jetball is a personal favorite. This is a warm-up or mini-game that really gets players sweating. Two throwers work together to contact the runners as they try to make it from end to end each round without getting hit. Once players have been hit, they must sit on the ground where they can tag others as they run by. Read More →

Blob Tag

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: Blob Tag is a tag game – chasing and fleeing – that has players join together to form blobs once they’re tagged. When blobs get too big, they break off to form smaller blobs. The game continues until all players have been caught and have formed blobs.

Standard Dodgeball

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs
Game Description: Standard dodgeball is the classic version of the game. In our opinion, many of the variations of this game are huge improvements and should be played in place of the standard version, however, here it is for you to take a look at.

Scooter Relays

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: scooters, pylons
Game Description: Scooter Relays is self-explanatory. Students race on scooter boards around cones in a relay-style game. Lots of ways to add variation. Try it out in your PE class.

Zone Soccer

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Soccer ball
Game Description: The focus in Zone Soccer is on positioning: strikers, midfielders, defense, and goalkeeping. In this game, players must stay in their zones, and advance the ball by passing or chipping. Players rotate after awhile to have a chance playing all of the different positions.

Animal Relay

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Pylons
Game Description: Relays. As animals. That’s pretty much it. This game is so simple that there really doesn’t need to be a video explanation ☺


Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Soft bouncy ball (nerf/playground), rubber bases (or use mats)
Game Description: Kickball AKA Soccer-Baseball has been played in many-a-playground and many-a-gym for years and years. There’s a fielding team, there’s a kicking team, and there are many different rules or ways of playing. Read More →