Category: Fun

Prison Ball

Grade Level: 4-8
Equipment: Foam Balls
Game Description: Prison ball is a dodgeball-type game where 2 teams face-off against each other. Along the ends of the gym, behind each team is a prison area. Whenever a player gets hit, he or she must head to prison behind the opposite team on that end. They are stuck there until they can throw a ball and successfully hit someone while they’re in prison — and then they can return home to their team, while the player they hit must then go to prison! Very interesting type of dodgeball game where players must be aware of their complete surroundings, front, back, sides. Balls flying from all over the place makes it challenging and lots of fun!

Frogger (another great version)

Grade Level: 1-8
Equipment: Hula hoops, benches, scooters, mats, bean bags
Game Description: This version of Frogger has resemblance to the popular video game, except in this version, the HUMANS try to get across to the prize on the other side while the CREATURES try to tag the humans to send them back to the beginning. Incorporate different basic skills in this unique invasion/territory tag game and as usual, get moving!

Shooting Gallery

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Cones, foam balls
Game Description: This target practice game works on either the rolling, underhand, or overhand throwing skills. Half of the players become part of the shooting gallery, moving back and forth in the shooting gallery area. The other half are given foam balls and directions on how to successfully hit their target and then switch roles! Give it a go and see how it goes!

PinBowl Soccer

Grade Level: 3-8
Equipment: Foam balls, pins, nets
Game Description: This game incorporates lots of different skills into an action-packed soccerish type game. Players dribble the balls around (soccer-style) and can choose to knock over pins for points, or score goals on the other team for points. OR players can “convert” the ball up into their hands. Once in hand, players can pivot, pass, or bowl the ball at pins to earn points. Try it out in your PE class as something new and exciting to mix many sports skills into 1 fantastic game. Thanks to Sarah @SMS_PhysEd for this game idea.


Grade Level: K-8
Equipment: 4 foam balls
Game Description: This is a special type of dodgeball game with official rules, refs, and the whole show! With sportsmanship being the number 1 rule, teams will compete in an epic battle to be the last ones standing. Great game incorporating lots of skills. Popular in Australia, kids love this one and get nice and sweaty. There’s talk of some major tournament play and school-wide fun. Try it out!

Also see the official rules manual (WORD DOCUMENT DOWNLOAD) posted below:


Flag Tag

Grade Level: 3-8
Equipment: Flags, 2 boxes, pinnies
Game Description: This is a type of steal the flag game where teams face off and try to be the first team to snag all of the flags off of their opponents. Good lead-up game for flag football or an action-packed stand-alone game to try out. Thanks to @MrRosenberg_PE for this game idea!

Spin The Bottle

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Cones, empty drink bottle, rubber chickens
Game Description: Spin The Bottle until it lands on players who become taggers. Then it’s a spree until everyone’s tagged and back around the circle. Spin again and go again! And again and again..


Grade Level: K-6
Equipment: 16 cones, pool noodles
Game Description: The students are Helicopters, flying from Helipad to Helipad trying to avoid the taggers who tag with pool noodles. Pretty simple idea, but lots of fun so try it out and enjoy!