Category: Dodgeball

Bench Ball

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: 2 benches, dodgeballs
Game Description: Bench ball is arguably one of the best low organized throwing and catching games. The goal is to be the first team to get your players onto the bench. But how do you get on the bench? Your ball must be caught by your teammate(s) who are already on the bench. Every catch adds another player to the bench. Teams can guard and block as well to increase the challenge. Lots of fun to be had by all, and lots of skill work and development as well. Read More →

Swamp Ball

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: 2 mats, dodgeballs
Game Description: Swampball is the most popular game at physedgames. In fact, it is also a definite student favorite. This team dodgeball game places ‘swamps’ down on each side where players will get stuck in. Read More →

Side Switchers

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Dodgeballs
Game Description: This PE game called ‘Side Switchers’ matches two teams up against each other – each on one half of the gym. It’s a dodgeball game with a simple idea: when hit, that player must switch over to the other team, but before joining them, he must first touch the back wall on that side.


Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs
Game Description: Roadkill is a highly requested PE game where a group of animals attempts to run from one side to the other without getting hit by dodgeballs thrown by the throwers at the sides. When an animal is hit, he becomes ‘roadkill’ on the path and can then tag other animals as they run by. Modify and add any rules as you see fit to make it a safe game for your gym. Perhaps you’d like to change the name of this game for your students. Or perhaps not… Read More →

4-Corner Dodgeball

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs, pylons
Game Description: 4-corner dodgeball starts with 4 teams in their corners. When players are hit, they join the team that hit them. If one team is left with no players, the space opens up for another team. Lots of action, dodging, throwing, rolling, and fun. Read More →

Doctor Dodgeball

Grade level: 1-8
Equipment: 4 scooters, dodgeballs, mats (optional)
Game Description: Good old Dr. Dodgeball… when players are hit, they must sit down. The doctors will come by with their scooter ambulances and pick them up, bring them to the hospital, then the player is good to go back into the game. Careful that the doctor doesn’t get hit!

Jet Ball

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: 2 dodgeballs
Game Description: Jetball is a personal favorite. This is a warm-up or mini-game that really gets players sweating. Two throwers work together to contact the runners as they try to make it from end to end each round without getting hit. Once players have been hit, they must sit on the ground where they can tag others as they run by. Read More →

Warzone Dodgeball

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs, ‘walls’ (mats, benches)
Game Description: Warzone Dodgeball is definitely what the name says – a dodgeball warzone. Also known as ‘Paintball Dodgeball’, to set up for this game, place some obstacles and barriers for players to hide behind. Things like mats and tubes that represent walls and trenches. Then let the teams go at it. Add in a Capture the Flag element to further increase the intensity. At physedgames, we realize that dodgeball games may not be an acceptable game for all groups.