Category: ALL

Lilly Pad Math

Grade level: 1-5
Equipment: Colored spots (lilly pads), paper
Game Description: Another active game that adds some math into the equation. Players will do some basic math as well as run, hop, skip, jump, and any other movement skills desired. Read More →

Rainbow Road

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Colored spots (lilly pads), or hula hoops
Game Description: In ‘Rainbow Road’ teams of players will move in different patterns along spots on the floor depending on which color sequence is called out. A variety of movement skills can be used to spice things up. Read More →

Hungry Hungry Hippos

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Cones, tennis balls, buckets
Game Description: Many ways to play Hungry Hippos but the basic idea is simple: teams will race to collect as many tennis balls as possible. Race on foot, on scooters, with hockey sticks, or however you see fit! Lots of exercise and lots of fun. Read More →

Soccerball Tag

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Soccer balls (or nerf balls, dodgeballs)
Game Description: Soccerball tag provides a fun opportunity to practice dribbling, passing, kicking, dodging, and spacial awareness. In soccer ball tag, the taggers dribble a foam ball around and try to kick it at the feet of the roamers to tag them. If a player gets tagged by a ball, they also become a tagger and grab a ball from the side. The game gets trickier as more and more players become it. Give it a go in a soccer unit or as a stand alone game! Read More →


Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Exercise ball
Game Description: What’s better than rolling a ball around and spelling physical education words? OK well, probably alot of things… BUT this game gives players a chance to roll an exercise ball at friends in the middle who try to dodge it.  All you need is an exercise ball, a circle of friends, and a couple players in the middle. Read More →

Throw Up

Grade level: 3-6
Equipment: Tennis balls, beanbags
Game Description: Throw Up gets players throwing a ball up and down (and hopefully catching) multiple times whilst doing a series of other motions to make things a bit more interesting. When students miss a catch, they must lay on their backs and successfully complete a throw and catch before they can rejoin the rest of the group. This is a great game to practice hand-eye coordination while cruising around with momentum. Lots of variations to try out as well! Read More →