Team Ball Tag

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Foam balls, pinnies
Game Description: Team Ball Tag gets players moving in teams to try to tag other teams with foam balls.

  1. Create 4 teams. Give each team a different colored pinnie.
  2. Players start spread out around the gym.
  3. Give every player a foam ball.
  4. On signal, players will try to tag players from the other teams.
  5. If tagged, a player must sit down.
  6. A player who is stuck sitting down can be freed if a teammate comes along and tags foam ball to foam ball.
  7. If a full team is tagged and sitting, they are eliminated (or you can make a non-elimination rule as you see fit).
  8. There is no throwing the ball.
  9. If 2 players tag each other at the same time, they play “rock, paper, scissors” to see who sits.

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