Category: Tag

Freeze & Melt

Grade Level: K-3
Equipment: Pool noodles or dodgeballs (red & blue)
Game Description: This is a simple tag game idea: The tagger (carrying the blue noodle) goes around freezing the players into ice statues. The freer (carrying the red noodle) goes around melting the ice statues back into the game. Try it out as a quick warmup game! Thanks to @commandokiddz on Twitter.

Spin The Bottle

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Cones, empty drink bottle, rubber chickens
Game Description: Spin The Bottle until it lands on players who become taggers. Then it’s a spree until everyone’s tagged and back around the circle. Spin again and go again! And again and again..


Grade Level: K-6
Equipment: 16 cones, pool noodles
Game Description: The students are Helicopters, flying from Helipad to Helipad trying to avoid the taggers who tag with pool noodles. Pretty simple idea, but lots of fun so try it out and enjoy!

Disco Tiggy

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Hula hoops, pool noodles, music
Game Description: This is a dancefloor tag game where taggers tag the players with pool noodles. Once tagged, the players then must move onto a podium (hula-hoop) and do some dancing. They are free to leave the podium once another player who isn’t tagged goes over and shows them the “secret dance move”!

Bees & Butterflies Tag

Grade Level: 1-5
Equipment: Pool Noodles
Game Description: Most of the players are the butterflies who try to avoid the bees by running away from them. The bees are the taggers (obviously) – choose 2 or 3 of them. The bees each have a pool noodle, their stinger, to tag with. When a butterfly is tagged, she must freeze still until 2 other butterflies who weren’t tagged can link arms and bring the tagged player to a safe zone in the middle. Once in there, count to 5, and then back in the game.

Dinosaur Prowl

Grade Level: 2-5
Equipment: Dodgeballs, scooters
Game Description: In this game, the T-Rex, Dilophosaurus, and Raptors are the taggers and each get dodgeballs. The Triceritops are the free-ers and sit on scooters. Read More →

Robot Tag

Grade level: 1-5
Equipment: Hula-hoops, dodgeballs, cones
Game Description: In this game, there are good robots, and then there are bad robots (taggers). The good robots try their best to get away from the bad robots, because if tagged then they must head to the repair shop for a fixing! Safe zones are available for the good robots to recharge their energy when needed – but only for 10 seconds at a time. Read More →

Keeper of the Castle

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Various
Game Description: In this game, the Keeper (or Keepers) of the Castle tries to protect the treasure inside the castle by tagging players who come close to steal the treasure. In their teams, players try to capture as many pieces of treasure as possible until there’s nothing left. The team with the most treasure at the end wins the round. Switch up the Keepers after every round and play as many rounds as desired! Read More →