Category: Small Group


Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Variety
Game Description: Dump a bunch of random equipment along the playing area, just a whole lotta stuff – anything you have, really. Each piece of equipment represents a mine in the minefield. Then watch the fun begin as partners lead one another blindfolded through the minefield, trying not to step on a mine. If a mine is stepped on, it’s either back to the beginning, or do some jumping jacks, or create your own rule! Pairs can race against each other, or time trials, or however you see this working best for your PE class. Communication and team-building at its best. Read More →

The Video Camera Game

Grade level: K-5
Equipment: None
Game Description: Very simple warm-up game with a simple idea: the teacher calls out familiar actions that you would find on a video camera – play, stop, rewind, fast forward, etc. For each word that’s called out, the students will have to perform the related action within the playing area. Call random orders and mix it up! Switch leaders after awhile too to create their own patterns or sequences. Here’s what we have to get you started: Read More →

Catch Relay

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Football, baseball, or frisbee
Game Description: This is a great Throwing and Catching game for any sport or activity that uses those skills (football, baseball, ultimate Frisbee, etc). Non-stop action, teamwork, strategy, communication, with the option of competition. A must-play, and a definite favorite with lots of positive review. Read More →


Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Ball
Game Description: Catch-5 is a top notch team game! It’s definitely one of the better games out there to promote and enhance the passing skill, as well as other skills such as moving to open spaces, pivoting, and intercepting. Lots of action and lots of fun as players work together to score points by completing 5 passes before losing control of the ball or before the other team intercepts them. Highly recommended for use as part of a basketball or team handball unit, or as a stand-alone game for physical education class. Read More →

Card Suit Pickup

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Decks of cards
Game Description: This is a fitness building relay-style game for PE class, using decks of cards. There are 4 teams, each one representing either diamonds, spades, clubs, or hearts. Teams will try to collect cards of their own suit by hustling to their deck and grabbing a card, one player at a time. The first team to collect all of the cards of their suit wins. Play again and again until you can’t run anymore! Also switch up the movement style from running to an activity of choice – lunges anyone? Read More →

Triangle Tag

Grade level: 1-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: A unique type of tag game in which 3 players form a triangle facing inwards to eachother, joining hands or locking arms or shoulders. A fourth player will start outside of the triangle and attempt to tag the player on the opposite side of the triangle from him. Great game for shuffle stepping, changing of direction, teamwork, and that kind of thing. This game will work with pretty much any age level.

Steal The Bacon

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Scarf, flag, or object
Game Description: Steal The Bacon is a classic game. Two teams face off with the goal of trying to earn points each round by stealing the bacon in the middle and bringing it back to their own team without getting tagged.  There is room for variation in this game as you see fit; perhaps add in some math equations where the answer to the problem is the number of the players who run! Read More →