Category: Small Group

4-Square Volleyball

Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Volleyball
Game Description: 4-square volleyball merges the classic game of 4-square with volleyball skills like bumping and setting. Squares can be created in the sand, or using cones, or painted lines, skipping ropes, etc.  All you need is at least 4 players ready to have some fun practicing their volleyball skills. Read More →

Frisbee Tippers

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Frisbees
Game Description: Groups work both together and against each other in this frisbee-based game.  Throwing, catching, running, tipping, and tricks are all part of the package. This is a great game to practice different types of throwing when it comes to Ultimate Frisbee or disc throwing. Read More →

Pass It On

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Hula hoops, various items
Game Description: This team-building game is great for any physical education class. Players will work together to pass objects to each other to be the first team to successfully move all objects from one end to the other. There’s a catch though…players are must all lay down on their backs and pass only with their feet. Read More →

Math In Action

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Cones, 2 batons
Game Description: Another math and physical education combo – this game matches up 2 teams, both of which need to be ready to use their mental math skills. The quicker the brain and feet are ready to work, the more points a team can earn. Or if you prefer to not have a point system, just let the players go at it. Read More →


Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Variety
Game Description: Dump a bunch of random equipment along the playing area, just a whole lotta stuff – anything you have, really. Each piece of equipment represents a mine in the minefield. Then watch the fun begin as partners lead one another blindfolded through the minefield, trying not to step on a mine. If a mine is stepped on, it’s either back to the beginning, or do some jumping jacks, or create your own rule! Pairs can race against each other, or time trials, or however you see this working best for your PE class. Communication and team-building at its best. Read More →

The Video Camera Game

Grade level: K-5
Equipment: None
Game Description: Very simple warm-up game with a simple idea: the teacher calls out familiar actions that you would find on a video camera – play, stop, rewind, fast forward, etc. For each word that’s called out, the students will have to perform the related action within the playing area. Call random orders and mix it up! Switch leaders after awhile too to create their own patterns or sequences. Here’s what we have to get you started: Read More →