Category: Small Group

Wall Ball

Grade Level: 5-8
Equipment: Tennis ball, wall to throw against
Game Description: A version of the popular recess game. Anywhere from 3-10 players can play this game. It’s a series of throws and catches against a wall with the purpose of getting others out and becoming the last one left! There are many versions of this game, but this one makes sure players aren’t throwing the ball at other players! Lots of fun and a great way to PLAY. Go out and do something active at recess, instead of standing around – treat your body right with a good game of wall ball.

The Maze

Grade Level: 2-8
Equipment: Poly spots (lilly pads)
Game Description: This is a teambuilding game where students take turns trying to find their way through the maze of lilly pads and get to the end. But with every wrong move, they must head to the back of the line and give someone else a chance. It’s great for memory-practice, communication, and team activity. Create fun and challenging mazes, switch up the leaders, and give it a go!

Dive Ball

Grade Level: 4-8
Equipment: Mats, crash mats, handball
Game Description: This is a handball type game, but instead of scoring into goals, players must complete a diving catch onto a crash mat to score a point. Use whatever typical handball rules (3 steps, 3 seconds with the ball, etc) and go at it! For safety purposes, just make sure only 1 player per team can dive at the same time.

Joel’s Pin Shuffle

Grade Level: 1-4
Equipment: Pins, foam balls
Game Description: Partners compete to be the first to get the pin to their side by rolling the ball at it and knocking it over successfully a few times – every time a person knocks the pin over, the pin advances closer to that player. Great target practice game to work on improving the rolling skill.

Knock It Off

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Cones, soccer balls, tennis balls
Game Description: In this game partners work together by taking turns kicking the soccer ball at the target cones in order to knock off the tennis balls balanced on top. It’s great practice for the passing or kicking skill, as well as a good amount of cardio work. Many groups can be set-up throughout the field or gym to maximize contacts with the ball and accuracy improvement. Read More →

Everybody’s It

Grade level: 1-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: ‘Everybody’s It’ is a classic all-time favorite tag game with non-stop action! Everybody is it, and everybody can also get tagged. If a player gets tagged, he must sit where he was tagged.  He is stuck down until the player who tagged him gets tagged, and then he’s back up.  It’s that simple!  This is a very active game; lots of running. If players are sitting too long then the teacher can yell out, “free pass” and then they can get back up. If players tag eachother at the same time then they play a round of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ to see who sits. Read More →