Category: Large Group

4-Goal Soccer

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Soccer balls, 4 goals
Game Description: 4 Goal Soccer is another popular soccer PE game, especially with larger groups. 4 nets are set-up on each side. 4 teams go at it with whatever soccer rules the teacher wants to implement. Teams can score in any net except their own – that’s obvious. Definitely worth taking a look at; lots of movement, exercise, and skill development potential in this game.

Warzone Dodgeball

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs, ‘walls’ (mats, benches)
Game Description: Warzone Dodgeball is definitely what the name says – a dodgeball warzone. Also known as ‘Paintball Dodgeball’, to set up for this game, place some obstacles and barriers for players to hide behind. Things like mats and tubes that represent walls and trenches. Then let the teams go at it. Add in a Capture the Flag element to further increase the intensity. At physedgames, we realize that dodgeball games may not be an acceptable game for all groups.

Standard Dodgeball

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs
Game Description: Standard dodgeball is the classic version of the game. In our opinion, many of the variations of this game are huge improvements and should be played in place of the standard version, however, here it is for you to take a look at.

Detective Dodgeball

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs
Game Description: This is a dodgeball game where if a player is hit, he must remember who hit him, because he’s out until the player who hit him gets hit. That’s the whole detective part. A great advancement to regular dodgeball to keep things flowing better. Read More →