Category: Gr 2

Rainbow Road

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Colored spots (lilly pads), or hula hoops
Game Description: In ‘Rainbow Road’ teams of players will move in different patterns along spots on the floor depending on which color sequence is called out. A variety of movement skills can be used to spice things up. Read More →

Soccerball Tag

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Soccer balls (or nerf balls, dodgeballs)
Game Description: Soccerball tag provides a fun opportunity to practice dribbling, passing, kicking, dodging, and spacial awareness. In soccer ball tag, the taggers dribble a foam ball around and try to kick it at the feet of the roamers to tag them. If a player gets tagged by a ball, they also become a tagger and grab a ball from the side. The game gets trickier as more and more players become it. Give it a go in a soccer unit or as a stand alone game! Read More →


Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Exercise ball
Game Description: What’s better than rolling a ball around and spelling physical education words? OK well, probably alot of things… BUT this game gives players a chance to roll an exercise ball at friends in the middle who try to dodge it.  All you need is an exercise ball, a circle of friends, and a couple players in the middle. Read More →

Space Invaders

Grade level: 1-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: This game of Space Invaders has nothing to do with the Atari videogame that you’re probably relating the name to. This version of a PE game gives players a chance to work on some basic movement skills (jumping, hopping, skipping, galloping, etc) in a type of tag game. Read More →

Rockin’ Rollers

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs
Game Description: Rockin’ Rollers is a battle between the runners and the rollers.  Runners try to make it from one end of the gym to the other without getting hit by a dodgeball that has been rolled by the rollers. Read More →