Category: Dodgeball

Backboard Dodgeball

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: basketball backboards, dodgeballs
Game Description: Highly requested game of dodgeball. Lots of fun, and lots of skills as usual! Two teams faceoff in this fun version that uses the basketball court (full court or half court), thanks to Michelle Weaver!

Mafia Ball

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs
Game Description: Here’s another unique dodgeball game idea. This game is a team game. Thanks to Marius from Austria for this idea. Try to be the last team remaining to win! All you need are a few balls and a playing area. As usual, there are lots of different skills are involved and lots of fun to be had!

Grand Canyon Attack

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Foam balls, benches, cones
Game Description: ATTACK! 2 teams face off against eachother on the opposide sides of the Canyon. It’s a dodgeball game. At the GRAND CANYON. Twists and turns expected.


Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Foam balls, hula hoops, mats, scooters
Game Description: Spaceball is a PE Games original game that combines 2 awesome classic dodgeball games into 1 new game, and also includes a space theme.

Massive Kickball Dodgeball

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: 2 foam balls, exercise mats
Game Description: Great large group game (can use with up to 50 players). It’s a combination of kickball and dodgeball. As usual, lots of fun, lots of laughs, and lots of skills. A must try if you have a huge group and want to do something a bit different.

3 Ball

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: 3 dodgeballs
Game Description: Here’s a new and really unique and fun dodgeball game idea from Steve Mercado (Game of the Year at his school, thanks Steve!). Very interesting strategies involved, awareness is key. Be the last player standing in 3 Ball.