Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Exercise ball
Game Description: What’s better than rolling a ball around and spelling physical education words? OK well, probably alot of things… BUT this game gives players a chance to roll an exercise ball at friends in the middle who try to dodge it. All you need is an exercise ball, a circle of friends, and a couple players in the middle.
- Groups create a circle in the playing area.
- A few students start in the middle of the circle. Add in the exercise ball.
- The students who are part of the circle will try to roll the ball at the players in the middle who will try to dodge the ball.
- If a player in the middle gets hit by the exercise ball, he must spell out a word of choice from the group leader or teacher.
- He then switches spots with the player who rolled the ball and contacted him.
- Game continues on and on. Spell lots of words!
fabulous site!!!