Category: No Equipment!


Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: In this tag game, players who are tagged turn into a snowflake by standing in the shape of a star. The sun will go around melting the snowflakes so they can get back into the game.

The Number Game

Grade Level: K-6
Equipment: None
Game Description: This warm-up or teambuilding game is simple, yet awesome! Students spread out in the playing area. Give maybe 20-30 seconds for them to just run around and around (or skip, hop, gallop, spin, etc). When the time is right, the teacher yells out a number (example, “SIX!”) and then the students must quickly form groups of 6 (or whatever number is called). Any players who didn’t make a group must complete 6 jumping jacks or exercise of choice. Then play again! Great to play along with music. Especially a great idea for large groups of students. Also, a good discussion about inclusion and personal/social feelings could be attached to this game.

Army & Navy

Grade Level: 2-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: This fitness or warm-up/running game is a calling game. The caller (usually the teacher) calls out these commands:

Army: Run to one side of the gym
Navy: Run to the other side of the gym
Hit the deck: Lie face down
At ease: Stand up

Try adding some rules such as “first one to Army gets a point” or “last one to Navy is out”. Players must be careful to wait for the “At Ease” command before getting up to run somewhere. Or add your own ideas to modify this quick physical education game to suit your needs. (Thanks to Justin for this game idea)

Classy Moves

Grade Level: 2-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: This is a great warm-up game; it can be used in fitness, dance, stretching, or even just making goofy moves. Students form a circle around a leader who has 20 seconds to perform an action. The students must mimic the action, and then it’s someone else’s turn to be the leader. That’s it, that’s all. Simple and effective.

Everybody’s It

Grade level: 1-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: ‘Everybody’s It’ is a classic all-time favorite tag game with non-stop action! Everybody is it, and everybody can also get tagged. If a player gets tagged, he must sit where he was tagged.  He is stuck down until the player who tagged him gets tagged, and then he’s back up.  It’s that simple!  This is a very active game; lots of running. If players are sitting too long then the teacher can yell out, “free pass” and then they can get back up. If players tag eachother at the same time then they play a round of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ to see who sits. Read More →

Space Invaders

Grade level: 1-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: This game of Space Invaders has nothing to do with the Atari videogame that you’re probably relating the name to. This version of a PE game gives players a chance to work on some basic movement skills (jumping, hopping, skipping, galloping, etc) in a type of tag game. Read More →