Category: Literacy

Math In Action

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Cones, 2 batons
Game Description: Another math and physical education combo – this game matches up 2 teams, both of which need to be ready to use their mental math skills. The quicker the brain and feet are ready to work, the more points a team can earn. Or if you prefer to not have a point system, just let the players go at it. Read More →

Alphabet In Motion

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Alphabet letter pages
Game Description: This game enhances student physical literacy by creating active spelling activities in PE class. Another combination of movement and literacy, in which students will run around from letter to letter, spelling out different words. Add in some exercises as well, and push for both a strong physical and mental workout! Read More →


Grade level: 1-3
Equipment: None
Game Description: One of the different versions of ABC tag, this one lets students think of words that start with a certain letter, and when they get tagged, they must say the word and/or spell the word out loud before they can get back into the game. Another popular version of ABC tag that you can try out as well goes something like this: students who are tagged try to turn their body into the shape of a letter. Try one or both of these versions of this game in your physical education class!