Category: Gr 4

Treasure Hunters

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Bean-bags, hula-hoops
Game Description: Treasure Hunters will seek out treasure and plunder it from the other teams treasure boxes! Non-stop action and fun, players must think strategy and timing in this game. There are 4 teams going at it for a set amount of time…who can plunder the most! Read More →


Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Bases, baseball bat, ball
Game Description: Blasterball is a lead-up game to baseball, or a modified version of baseball for the PE class. The fielding team spreads out in the field, and the batting team takes turns batting. Once the ball is hit, the batter must round ALL THE BASES before the fielding team can successfully complete 5 passes. There’s no stopping at the bases, just go, go, go!

Man From Mars

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: ‘Man from Mars can you take us to the stars?’ – Only if you’re wearing the color green!  The Man from Mars tries to tag the runners who are wearing the colors he calls out. Each round he calls out a new color. Anyone tagged joins him in the middle to help. Another imaginative type of physical education game, tag-style. Read More →

Continuous Badminton

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Badminton racquets, nets, birdies
Game Description: Just like the name says, this activity gives players a continuous chance to practice their badminton skills – speed shots, forehand, backhand, serving, clearing, smashing, rallying, footwork, etc. It’s a simple rotation to keep the flow going no matter what skill students are working on. It also matches students up with different random partners every time.

Steal The Bacon

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Scarf, flag, or object
Game Description: Steal The Bacon is a classic game. Two teams face off with the goal of trying to earn points each round by stealing the bacon in the middle and bringing it back to their own team without getting tagged.  There is room for variation in this game as you see fit; perhaps add in some math equations where the answer to the problem is the number of the players who run! Read More →

Zone Dodgeball

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Pylons, dodgeballs
Game Description: This dodgeball game divides teams into 4 seperate playing areas in the corners, with a running zone through the middle. When a player is hit, he must enter the running zone and successfully run from one end back to the other without getting hit, and then he can rejoin his team. Another unique twist to a dodgeball idea for PE class. Read More →