Category: Gr 3

Zone Soccer

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Soccer ball
Game Description: The focus in Zone Soccer is on positioning: strikers, midfielders, defense, and goalkeeping. In this game, players must stay in their zones, and advance the ball by passing or chipping. Players rotate after awhile to have a chance playing all of the different positions.

Animal Relay

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Pylons
Game Description: Relays. As animals. That’s pretty much it. This game is so simple that there really doesn’t need to be a video explanation ☺


Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Soft bouncy ball (nerf/playground), rubber bases (or use mats)
Game Description: Kickball AKA Soccer-Baseball has been played in many-a-playground and many-a-gym for years and years. There’s a fielding team, there’s a kicking team, and there are many different rules or ways of playing. Read More →

Line Tag

Grade level: K-6
Equipment: Pinnies
Game Description: The premise is simple: stay on the lines and try not to get tagged. If tagged, sit down and become a road block until the freer comes around and frees you. Great directional PE game, very popular.


Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: An all-time classic. Ollie Ollie Octopus gets students saying a rhyming chant, and then running across to the other side without getting tagged by the Octopus. Players who are tagged sit down where tagged and become ‘Seaweed’ – they wave their arms and can try to tag other players as they run by. Perhaps one of the most popular early year level games.