Category: Gr 2

Keeper of the Castle

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Various
Game Description: In this game, the Keeper (or Keepers) of the Castle tries to protect the treasure inside the castle by tagging players who come close to steal the treasure. In their teams, players try to capture as many pieces of treasure as possible until there’s nothing left. The team with the most treasure at the end wins the round. Switch up the Keepers after every round and play as many rounds as desired! Read More →

Everybody’s It

Grade level: 1-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: ‘Everybody’s It’ is a classic all-time favorite tag game with non-stop action! Everybody is it, and everybody can also get tagged. If a player gets tagged, he must sit where he was tagged.  He is stuck down until the player who tagged him gets tagged, and then he’s back up.  It’s that simple!  This is a very active game; lots of running. If players are sitting too long then the teacher can yell out, “free pass” and then they can get back up. If players tag eachother at the same time then they play a round of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ to see who sits. Read More →

Garbage Collector

Grade level: 2-5
Equipment: Foam balls, 2 hula hoops
Game Description: This throwing and catching game is best played with a volleyball net set-up. Players try to ‘collect garbage’ by catching balls thrown over the net by the other team. Read More →

Pin Down

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Hula hoops, pins, dodgeballs
Game Description: ‘Pin Down’ is a definite favorite. Really it’s a must play! Players guard their own pin while trying to knock over someone else’s with a dodgeball. If your pin is down, go to the back of the line but don’t worry – you’ll get right back in there in no time. This game utilizes a variety of movement skills, but the best part about it is that it’s a great workout with lots of laughs! Read More →

Lilly Pad Math

Grade level: 1-5
Equipment: Colored spots (lilly pads), paper
Game Description: Another active game that adds some math into the equation. Players will do some basic math as well as run, hop, skip, jump, and any other movement skills desired. Read More →