
Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Exercise mats
Game Description: Marioland is a unique tag game for PE class! Six exercise mats are spread out along the floor to represent 6 lands in the kingdom: Princess castle, Luigi Mansion, Mario Tube, Toadstool, Yoshi Island, and Bowser Castle. Players try to dodge the taggers as they move from land to land. Another student favourite.

  1. Place the 6 mats along the floor, and name them each a land.
  2. Choose a tagger who starts in the middle.
  3. The rest of the players start on a land of their choice.
  4. The tagger will call out, ‘find a new land’ and then the players must move to a new land without getting tagged.
  5. Anyone who is tagged then becomes a tagger as well.
  6. From the middle, the taggers again call out, ‘find a new land’ and players must go to a new land (they just can’t go back to the one they came from last round).
  7. Continue playing until all players have been caught!

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