Catch Me If You Can

Grade level: 1-6
Equipment: Foam balls, music
Game Description: Another throwing and catching game with a fun twist! Pairs toss a ball back and forth until the music stops and then run for it!

How To Play:

  1. Players partner up and find a spot in the gym.
  2. Give each pair a foam ball.
  3. When music starts, partners play catch back and forth.
  4. When music stops, player with the ball chases after partner trying to tag or toss the ball at him below the waist.
  5. When music starts up again, they continue to play catch like before.
  6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 for as long as you desire.

1 Comment

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  1. I LOVE your site! One of my pupils said that I’m the greatest phys.ed teacher because I go to the Internet and find AWESOME games for them to play – and phys.ed. com is where I go!! So…. . thanks for the elevated status! 🙂

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