Pirates & Sailors

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Mats, pool noodles
Game Description: Pirates & Sailors gives pirates a chance to try to tag sailors by chasing them with a pool noodle!  If a sailor gets tagged, he must go into the pirate ship (prison). Sailors are safe in their own ships, but can only stay in them for 3 seconds. Sailors stuck in prison can be freed by other sailors if they can get to them without getting caught by a pirate. This game can get really intense; a great way to get exercise and have fun!

  1. Place a mat on the floor in the middle of the gym. That is the pirate ship.
  2. Place 4 mats in the corner areas. Those are the sailor ships.
  3. Give 3 players a pool noodle to tag with. Those 3 are pirates.
  4. The rest of the players are spread out in the entire playing area. Those players are the sailors.
  5. On the signal, the pirates chase the sailors, trying to tag them.
  6. If tagged, sailors must go into the pirate ship.  They can be freed if another friendly sailor can get to them and safely bring them to a sailor ship without getting tagged.
  7. Sailors are safe in their own ships, but can only stay in them for 3 seconds at a time, then must leave.

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