Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Exercise mats
Game Description: Marioland is a unique tag game for PE class! Six exercise mats are spread out along the floor to represent 6 lands in the kingdom: Princess castle, Luigi Mansion, Mario Tube, Toadstool, Yoshi Island, and Bowser Castle. Players try to dodge the taggers as they move from land to land. Another student favourite.
- Place the 6 mats along the floor, and name them each a land.
- Choose a tagger who starts in the middle.
- The rest of the players start on a land of their choice.
- The tagger will call out, ‘find a new land’ and then the players must move to a new land without getting tagged.
- Anyone who is tagged then becomes a tagger as well.
- From the middle, the taggers again call out, ‘find a new land’ and players must go to a new land (they just can’t go back to the one they came from last round).
- Continue playing until all players have been caught!