Dice Dribblers

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: A foam dice, basketballs
Game Description: Fun little activity to work on the all-important dribbling skill! Groups will start along one of four sides of the court, each with a basketball in hand (or a ball at their feet for soccer, or stick in hand for hockey). The teacher will roll the big dice to see what number it lands on. Depending on the number it lands on, something will happen: Numbers 1-4 are for each of the four groups… if it lands on their number, they will complete a wave of dribbling to the other side and back. Numbers 5 and 6 are for rotations clockwise and counterclockwise. The players who aren’t moving while others are performing their wave of dribbling can simply dribble on the spot, weak hand, strong hand, figure 8s or whatever you’d like! Try it out and hope you and your students enjoy another Physedgames original game!

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