Category: Outdoor


Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Basketball
Game Description: 21 is perhaps the most popular shooting game for basketball. The idea is simple: be the first to reach 21 points. Normally played in pairs or threes, players take turns shooting for 1 or 2 points – unless you’re really good, you could make it to 21 without your opponent even having a chance to shoot! Great game for practicing free throws (foul shots).

Hop, Skip, Gallop

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: What are some ways to move from one end of the gym to the other? Walking, running, jogging, hopping, skipping, galloping, jumping, lunging, knees-up, etc, etc. Practice basic transportation skills in this simple physical education game idea.


Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Soft bouncy ball (nerf/playground), rubber bases (or use mats)
Game Description: Kickball AKA Soccer-Baseball has been played in many-a-playground and many-a-gym for years and years. There’s a fielding team, there’s a kicking team, and there are many different rules or ways of playing. Read More →