Category: Large Group


Grade level: K-2
Equipment: None
Game Description: Such a simple warm-up game! Choose a theme – for example, the jungle. Then students can choose a jungle animal that they will pretend to be, perhaps a monkey or parrot, and spend a minute moving around like that animal, making the animal noises. After a minute, change the theme. For example, the arctic. Students will then choose an arctic animal like a penguin or seal and do the same thing.

Pin Knockover

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Plastic bowling pins, dodgeballs
Game Description: Pin Knockover is a classic target throwing or rolling game. Two teams match-up on each side of the gym and be the first team to knock over all of the opposing teams pins. Other skills involved are blocking, goaltending, running, underhand, overhand, ducking, etc. Great team game for development and enjoyment. Read More →

Net Dodgeball

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs, nets/goals
Game Description: Net dodgeball is basically a standard game of dodgeball, except that each team also has a net and a goalie. Any time a team scores a goal by throwing a dodgeball past the opposing goalie, all of the players who were out get to enter back into the game. Also use detective dodgeball rules to ensure players are getting maximum participation and movement time…if you’re unsure what detective dodgeball rules are, find the rules to that game on this site!

Bench Ball

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: 2 benches, dodgeballs
Game Description: Bench ball is arguably one of the best low organized throwing and catching games. The goal is to be the first team to get your players onto the bench. But how do you get on the bench? Your ball must be caught by your teammate(s) who are already on the bench. Every catch adds another player to the bench. Teams can guard and block as well to increase the challenge. Lots of fun to be had by all, and lots of skill work and development as well. Read More →

3-Ball Soccer

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: 3 soccer balls
Game Description: For more action, and more touches, play 3 ball soccer. It’s essentially a big soccer game with the added bonus of 2 more soccer balls. Great to play especially with large classes or groups of students.