Category: K

Far Away

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Special Object (ex. trophy, stuffy, Olympic torch)
Game Description: Far Away is a super easy and effective game to explore spatial awareness. Players will move around and try to be FAR AWAY from others, teaching safety in numbers and moving to open spaces. (Thanks James Barton for this game idea)

Mr Wolf Dice Roll

Grade level: K-3
Equipment: 1 Foam Dice
Game Description: Another Mr. Wolf type game (modification by Deric Hafer). Good for reaction time, running (or other movement skills) and following directions/commands. Use it in combination with the original or as a stand-alone game!

Freedom Catch

Grade level: K-6
Equipment: Cones, foam balls
Game Description: New favourite activity! Tagging, throwing, catching, strategy all jam-packed into one awesome game from Jennifer Holub. Really fun, a must try, especially if you’re looking for a game for large groups (50 players +).

Birds in a Nest

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Hula hoops
Game Description: This is a great 3-part progression that has basically 3 games in 1. It’s one of my favourites especially with Kindergartens. Gets players moving around and communicating/strategizing in different ways.

Pizza Party

Grade level: K-2
Equipment: Hula hoops, bean bags
Game Description: Get the students moving and making pizzas in this classic pizza relay game.

Cleanies vs Messies

Grade level: K-3
Equipment: Cones, Soccerballs (for soccer variations)
Game Description: 5 different ways to play this updated version of Knockemdowners. It really is a classic game, students really move, and practice a variety of skills in fun variations which can be used in any primary PE class or football (soccer) program!