Category: K

Continuous Tag

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: Continuous tag is…well…continuous! The action doesn’t ever stop, since as players get tagged on one half of the playing area, they run to the opposite side, perform an exercise or skill, then run back and rejoin the game. It’s as simple as that!

Scooter Tag

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Scooters
Game Description: Scooter tag is a tag game on scooter boards. Lots of different ways this game can be played (students on stomach, or knees, when tagged players must spin, or when tagged the players switch roles). Just an idea to switch things up once in awhile. And besides, kids love those scooter boards!

Santa Tag

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: Santa needs to round up his reindeer who are trying to run away from him! As the tagger, Santa will move around trying to tag the players who are the stray reindeer. Once tagged, the reindeer must do 2 lengths of galloping along the side before re-entering the game.

Obstacle Courses

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Huge variety
Game Description: Time to be creative! Dig out a bunch of equipment, ask the students to help out, and spend some time building the most creative obstacle course you can think of. Then it’s time to have some fun and travel through the course. Incorporate a variety of movement and transport skills!

Red Light Green Light

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: Red light: stop. Green light: go. One of the most basic ideas to use to practice basic routine and whistle sequences, as well as basic movement skills. Lots of different ideas and variations can be implemented to enhance this game.

3-Ball Soccer

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: 3 soccer balls
Game Description: For more action, and more touches, play 3 ball soccer. It’s essentially a big soccer game with the added bonus of 2 more soccer balls. Great to play especially with large classes or groups of students.

What Time Is It Mr. Wolf?

Grade level: K-2
Equipment: None
Game Description: The classic game of What Time Is It Mr. Wolf…the big bad wolf stands opposite from the group who keeps asking him what time it is. If it’s 10:00, the students take 10 steps closer. 5:00 and it’s 5 steps closer. Soon it will be LUNCH TIME and the wolf is hungry! The first player he chases and catches becomes the new wolf.

Knock em Downers & Pick em Uppers

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Bowling pins or pylons
Game Description: Half knock em down, the other half picks em up! Cones or pins work great! This game can last as long as you want it to last, then switch roles. Lots of running, bending, crouching, and manipulating in this game. Read More →