Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Foam balls, cones
Game Description: Ultimate Warriors is another awesome game that gets students moving, having fun, and working on a variety of skills! Split the gym into 3 sections with cones and lines. Tell the players that there will be 3 games of dodgeball going on at the same time (each 3rd correlates with a group: farmers -} knights -} warriors). If a player is hit with a ball, the player moves down and the thrower moves up. The goal is to get to the top league (the warriors). If you’re in the top league (the warriors) and you hit someone you don’t move up and if you’re in the bottom league (the farmers) you don’t move down. Set a time limit to the game. The winners are the players who finish in the top league at the end of the round. Use your own dodgeball rules and as always HAVE FUN!!! (Thanks to Joe Defreitas)