Category: Gr 3

Critter Dash

Grade Level: 1-5
Equipment: Beanbags, tails
Game Description: The critters (squirrels, racoons, or whatever animals you want to use) try to get the pieces of food from the far side safely back to their home without getting their tails swiped off by the foxes! This game includes running, dodging, strategy, and good old fun. All you need are some beanbags – or substitute other – and some tails for the critters to wear. Read More →

Robot Tag

Grade level: 1-5
Equipment: Hula-hoops, dodgeballs, cones
Game Description: In this game, there are good robots, and then there are bad robots (taggers). The good robots try their best to get away from the bad robots, because if tagged then they must head to the repair shop for a fixing! Safe zones are available for the good robots to recharge their energy when needed – but only for 10 seconds at a time. Read More →

Keeper of the Castle

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Various
Game Description: In this game, the Keeper (or Keepers) of the Castle tries to protect the treasure inside the castle by tagging players who come close to steal the treasure. In their teams, players try to capture as many pieces of treasure as possible until there’s nothing left. The team with the most treasure at the end wins the round. Switch up the Keepers after every round and play as many rounds as desired! Read More →

Knock It Off

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Cones, soccer balls, tennis balls
Game Description: In this game partners work together by taking turns kicking the soccer ball at the target cones in order to knock off the tennis balls balanced on top. It’s great practice for the passing or kicking skill, as well as a good amount of cardio work. Many groups can be set-up throughout the field or gym to maximize contacts with the ball and accuracy improvement. Read More →


Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs
Game Description: See how long you can survive in the middle! This every-man-for-himself dodgeball game uses the basketball court lines as the playing area. Great for spatial awareness, dodging, throwing, and of course lots of running. Read More →


Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Foam balls, pinnies
Game Description: The Bandits attempt to kick the balls away from the players who are spread out along the gym floor. As the players move around dribbling, passing, and escaping to open areas, the bandits try to get rid of their ball by kicking it away and into a wall! Read More →

Everybody’s It

Grade level: 1-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: ‘Everybody’s It’ is a classic all-time favorite tag game with non-stop action! Everybody is it, and everybody can also get tagged. If a player gets tagged, he must sit where he was tagged.  He is stuck down until the player who tagged him gets tagged, and then he’s back up.  It’s that simple!  This is a very active game; lots of running. If players are sitting too long then the teacher can yell out, “free pass” and then they can get back up. If players tag eachother at the same time then they play a round of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ to see who sits. Read More →