Category: Gr 3

Disco Tiggy

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Hula hoops, pool noodles, music
Game Description: This is a dancefloor tag game where taggers tag the players with pool noodles. Once tagged, the players then must move onto a podium (hula-hoop) and do some dancing. They are free to leave the podium once another player who isn’t tagged goes over and shows them the “secret dance move”!

Field Hunters

Grade Level: K-6
Equipment: Pennies, Bingo Chips, Other..
Game Description: Once upon a time in a large grassy field, the teacher threw 100’s of pennies in all directions in the grass. The students were then given 5 minutes to hunt out and find as many of those pennies. See which team or individual collects the most pennies before the time runs out! Simple warm-up. Simple way to get everyone active.

Bees & Butterflies Tag

Grade Level: 1-5
Equipment: Pool Noodles
Game Description: Most of the players are the butterflies who try to avoid the bees by running away from them. The bees are the taggers (obviously) – choose 2 or 3 of them. The bees each have a pool noodle, their stinger, to tag with. When a butterfly is tagged, she must freeze still until 2 other butterflies who weren’t tagged can link arms and bring the tagged player to a safe zone in the middle. Once in there, count to 5, and then back in the game.

Classy Moves

Grade Level: 2-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: This is a great warm-up game; it can be used in fitness, dance, stretching, or even just making goofy moves. Students form a circle around a leader who has 20 seconds to perform an action. The students must mimic the action, and then it’s someone else’s turn to be the leader. That’s it, that’s all. Simple and effective.

The Maze

Grade Level: 2-8
Equipment: Poly spots (lilly pads)
Game Description: This is a teambuilding game where students take turns trying to find their way through the maze of lilly pads and get to the end. But with every wrong move, they must head to the back of the line and give someone else a chance. It’s great for memory-practice, communication, and team activity. Create fun and challenging mazes, switch up the leaders, and give it a go!

Crabs & Lobsters

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Cones, beachballs, music
Game Description: This game is a special take on Crab Soccer, one that gets crabs doing the crabwalk around trying to score points by kicking the ball into the opposing teams goal area. The lobsters are the goalies who can use their hands to punch or push the ball away. All players get a chance to be both crab and lobster, using different movement skills to accomplish their tasks.

Joel’s Pin Shuffle

Grade Level: 1-4
Equipment: Pins, foam balls
Game Description: Partners compete to be the first to get the pin to their side by rolling the ball at it and knocking it over successfully a few times – every time a person knocks the pin over, the pin advances closer to that player. Great target practice game to work on improving the rolling skill.

Dinosaur Prowl

Grade Level: 2-5
Equipment: Dodgeballs, scooters
Game Description: In this game, the T-Rex, Dilophosaurus, and Raptors are the taggers and each get dodgeballs. The Triceritops are the free-ers and sit on scooters. Read More →