Category: Gr 2

Shooting Gallery

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Cones, foam balls
Game Description: This target practice game works on either the rolling, underhand, or overhand throwing skills. Half of the players become part of the shooting gallery, moving back and forth in the shooting gallery area. The other half are given foam balls and directions on how to successfully hit their target and then switch roles! Give it a go and see how it goes!

Pass & Score Tag

Grade Level: 2-6
Equipment: 2 Pool Noodles, 2 Foam balls
Game Description: Play tag, while throwing and catching, and scoring points, and switching roles – great mixture of ideas into a single game! The taggers tag with the pool noodles. The freers (who hold the foam balls) aren’t allowed to move with the ball, but aim to throw the ball to those who have been tagged. If caught, a point is earned for both players. The one who caught the ball is now a freer. Sound like a fun idea? Give it a go and see how it goes! Thanks John Pass for this game idea.


Grade Level: K-8
Equipment: 4 foam balls
Game Description: This is a special type of dodgeball game with official rules, refs, and the whole show! With sportsmanship being the number 1 rule, teams will compete in an epic battle to be the last ones standing. Great game incorporating lots of skills. Popular in Australia, kids love this one and get nice and sweaty. There’s talk of some major tournament play and school-wide fun. Try it out!

Also see the official rules manual (WORD DOCUMENT DOWNLOAD) posted below:


Freeze & Melt

Grade Level: K-3
Equipment: Pool noodles or dodgeballs (red & blue)
Game Description: This is a simple tag game idea: The tagger (carrying the blue noodle) goes around freezing the players into ice statues. The freer (carrying the red noodle) goes around melting the ice statues back into the game. Try it out as a quick warmup game! Thanks to @commandokiddz on Twitter.

Spin The Bottle

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Cones, empty drink bottle, rubber chickens
Game Description: Spin The Bottle until it lands on players who become taggers. Then it’s a spree until everyone’s tagged and back around the circle. Spin again and go again! And again and again..


Grade Level: K-6
Equipment: 16 cones, pool noodles
Game Description: The students are Helicopters, flying from Helipad to Helipad trying to avoid the taggers who tag with pool noodles. Pretty simple idea, but lots of fun so try it out and enjoy!

Disco Tiggy

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Hula hoops, pool noodles, music
Game Description: This is a dancefloor tag game where taggers tag the players with pool noodles. Once tagged, the players then must move onto a podium (hula-hoop) and do some dancing. They are free to leave the podium once another player who isn’t tagged goes over and shows them the “secret dance move”!

Field Hunters

Grade Level: K-6
Equipment: Pennies, Bingo Chips, Other..
Game Description: Once upon a time in a large grassy field, the teacher threw 100’s of pennies in all directions in the grass. The students were then given 5 minutes to hunt out and find as many of those pennies. See which team or individual collects the most pennies before the time runs out! Simple warm-up. Simple way to get everyone active.