Category: Gr 1

Birds in a Nest

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Hula hoops
Game Description: This is a great 3-part progression that has basically 3 games in 1. It’s one of my favourites especially with Kindergartens. Gets players moving around and communicating/strategizing in different ways.

Pizza Party

Grade level: K-2
Equipment: Hula hoops, bean bags
Game Description: Get the students moving and making pizzas in this classic pizza relay game.

Cleanies vs Messies

Grade level: K-3
Equipment: Cones, Soccerballs (for soccer variations)
Game Description: 5 different ways to play this updated version of Knockemdowners. It really is a classic game, students really move, and practice a variety of skills in fun variations which can be used in any primary PE class or football (soccer) program!

Pirate Ships

Grade level: 1-6
Equipment: Cones, hula hoops, beanbags
Game Description: This one is a new favourite. A little bit of a Capture the Flag feel to it – groups of pirates work together to try and steal the treasure off of the defender ship. NON-STOP ACTION, players really move in this great game idea thanks to Deric Hafer.