Category: Fun

Gaga Ball

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Soft bouncy ball, playing area
Game Description: Gaga Ball gets players inside a mini-arena and has them strike the ball at eachother below the knee, trying to eliminate each other from the ring. Once eliminated, players jump to the outside of the ring and wait there until the teacher yells out jailbreak or until a new round begins. Works on dodging, striking, and agility.

Volleyball Hoops

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Volleyballs
Game Description: A fun game to practice bumping and setting skills in volleyball. A passer tosses the ball to his teammate who then tries to bump or set the ball into the basketball hoop. Players rotate, and have many chances to score points for every successful hoop. A great way to practice passing accuracy. Definitely a must-play physical education game as a part of a volleyball unit or bumping or volleying progression.

Pin Knockover

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Plastic bowling pins, dodgeballs
Game Description: Pin Knockover is a classic target throwing or rolling game. Two teams match-up on each side of the gym and be the first team to knock over all of the opposing teams pins. Other skills involved are blocking, goaltending, running, underhand, overhand, ducking, etc. Great team game for development and enjoyment. Read More →

Capture The Flag

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Flags (or pins), hula hoops, pylons
Game Description: Capture The Flag is one of the most popular physical education games out there. It is an intense action game, with lots of team strategy, and lots of activity. There are many versions of this game; the version shown here has been tried and tested many times, and proves to be one of the most enjoyed games in the gym. The idea is simple: be the first team to capture all the flags, and bring them to your side. Careful to not get tagged, or you’re stuck in jail until someone saves you! Read More →

Parachute Game: Cat & Mouse

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Parachute
Game Description: The mouse scurries underneath the parachute, unseen by the cat, who tries to catch him while the other players wave the parachute. This is the most requested Parachute game in physical education class. Give every student a chance to be the cat, or the mouse, or both.

Parachute Game: Popcorn

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Parachute
Game Description: It’s time to make some popcorn! In this simple game, players turn the parachute into a frying pan. As the pan heats up, the parachute starts waving fast. When it’s at max heat and max speed, throw a bunch of dodgeballs on the parachute and watch the popcorn pop! A quick science and physical education lesson at the same time.


Grade level: 1-4
Equipment: 4 mats, pinnies
Game Description: Round up the puppies to their homes. 4 teams each get a chance to chase after each other; the puppies flee from the catchers! Great game to play with music in the background to get things pumping. Read More →

Obstacle Courses

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Huge variety
Game Description: Time to be creative! Dig out a bunch of equipment, ask the students to help out, and spend some time building the most creative obstacle course you can think of. Then it’s time to have some fun and travel through the course. Incorporate a variety of movement and transport skills!